14 October 2009

breathing space

[shamelessy lifted from last year's PDP, where similar tinkerings were carried out:]

i've made a few tweaks to the blog template to make it a bit wider; it's now 800pixels wide [as opposed to 620 previously] and the writeable area is 600pixels wide [as opposed to 420 previously]. unfortunately the maximum uploaded image width will still be 400pixels, as that's hard-wired in, but if you're creating slideshows, you should be able to select the 600pixel size now, without it getting cut off at the edges.

also, after me having a good oul' rant yesterday about how useless the blogger posting form is was [because it would always insert uploaded images  at the top of a post, no matter where the cursor was at the time], i've just found out that they have fixed it in their shiny new updated editor.   if you want to enable the shiny new version, you'll have to click on dashboard at the top of the window, after logging into the blog and then select settings > basic:

... and make sure select post editor > updated editor is selected:

what will those boffins back at the lab think of next?!

PS - while i'm in the neighbourhood, could i ask all of you to delete your test postings, when you revisit to make 'proper' postings, so we can keep the place a bit tidy.


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