6 May 2010

Twisted Nerve

I was a bit irritated about todays lecture with Richard Haynes, not regarding the guest himself because I found his talk very interesting and actually quite scary in way...because of how someone with skills like his could be out of work. In particular I found his point about the difference in frame rates at Cosgrove Hall and Aardman quite amazing....

....but I was irritated. Each pathway has had a guess speaker come in and talk about the different challenges they've faced over the years.....Animator, Photographer, Jeweller (took place at Northenden apparently), Graphics....and todays final speaker was a New Media Designer. Or rather....it was meant to be. It wasn't though....it was another animator.

I know that animation is a part of my pathway but this speaker was mainly concerned with animation using plasticine and models....not new media.
Still, I suppose this assignment for Mike will give some idea of the tribulations of a new media designer when I delve in there myself....but it would have been nice to have a guest speaker.

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