1 May 2010

MAPS in the Northern Quarter this weekend

Alright blog rats.

Just a quick heads up for any of you kids wandering what mischief to get in to this weekend.

MAPS is a music and art festival going on in various venues in the N.Q. right now!!!

Here's their artwork.....

And here's some stuff about them....

I went down last year and it was pretty good, loads of new music and artworks and general merriment.

Here's the website....


So if you're sat at home twiddling your thumbs and watching repeats of Friends on E4 and wandering what's going wrong with your life STOP NOW!! and get into town.


99999999999 said...

shouldn't you be staying home, mopping shelley's brow, heating up towels, and suchlike - instead of gallivanting round the northern quarter?

KarlDoran said...

...... erm ..... probably ...... yeah.

No, it's not for me this year, a few mates are going and thought maybe some of the care-free youngsters might be interested.

Of course I'm at home concentrating on being a good 'birth-partner'.