26 February 2010


Speaking about Infographics, I remembered there was a really good one on the Spanish tv. It came out on summer and advised you to protect yourself from the hot weather.
They have used shadowplay to illustrate each advice, which I think makes the advert really creative and original.

The spot is in Spanish - obviously, but I've translated the sentences, so you can get what the images suggest.

-[Contra el calor, toma medidas]

In hot weather take precautionary measures

-[Bebe agua frecuentemente aunque no tengas sed]

Take frequents drinks of water, even if you are not thirsty

-[Refrescate a menudo, mojate]

Keep yourself cool, get wet

-[Protegete del sol]

Protect yourself from the sun

-[Busca lugares frescos]

Look for cool places

-[Reduce los esfuerzos fisicos]

Keep physical efforts to a minimum

-[En las horas mas calurosas del dia]

During the hottest parts of the day

-[Cuida que niños, ancianos y enfermos sigas estos consejos]

Make sure that children, the elderly and the sick follow this advice

-[Combatir el calor esta en tus manos]

To fight the heat is in your hands


99999999999 said...

"...aunque no tengas sed..."

aiiiii! - el puto modo subjuntivo...

idioma loco!

Sara said...

English is worse...

99999999999 said...

si. pero todo el mundo sabe que así es el inglés. el español le engaña con parecer sencillo desde el principio....

...y entonces, después de un año, le presentan al subjuntivo!

[er... or sommit like that]