25 September 2010

switching from blogger to tumblr

hi folks. 

for various reasons –which i shall elaborate on, when you start back again– i've decided to switch the blogging software that we use from blogger to tumblr.

this blog will still remain on the intarwebs as an archive and i'm working on the best way of importing posts from here to the new PDP blog but, in the meantime, if your creative juices are flowing and you're working on a post, can you save it 'til next week and then we'll get it uploaded to the new PDP site.

also, this year we're expanding the PDP blog to include the FD graphic design & advertising and FD jewellery & applied arts courses as well.  this should please some of you who've asked us in the past whether you'd be able to see what people on the other pathways are up to.

the new PDP will be at:   http://mancol.tumblr.com



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