21 August 2010

Step Up 3D end credits...

Me and my girlfriend went to see Step Up 3D (Yeah yeah,I know...tisk tisk) but to my suprise the end credits are pretty insane!The graphics flowing from the dancers is awesome!The colours that are used are quite bold which was brave but the film is quite colourful anyway.

I'm still trying to find out who did the end credits...it's a lost cause so if anyone knows,please let me know!All I know is the film is directed by Jon Chu.

I've always found breakdancing interesting because of the way they move and the positions they get themselves into are abit surreal.It's like they have no spines.I tried to find an example of the end credits sequence but seeing as the film has only been out about 2 weeks I don't think we're going to find one on the internet yet.


Tokyobob said...

Tsk tsk! ;)

Hey Chris....just watched the sequence now, a group called 'The Ant Farm' did it and it's viewable on their website under the Motion Graphics section.


I'm not sure exactly who did the sequence as the website doesn't give any info about specific creators, if you were really wanting to know that though then you could always have a delve through their page on LinkedIn and ask them....


I liked the green shoelace bit at the start of the sequence, I imagine that looked pretty good in 3D.

ChrisJCrawley said...

Tsk tsk indeed :-P

Cheers Rob.Yeah it did look good in 3D.I don't like it as much now I've watched it in 2D but it's still pretty decent!

The shoelace bit was my fave as well although I do like the bit where the twins are dancing and the typography spins onto the screen as if one of them pulled it around.

Cheers for that anyway Rob!