23 June 2010

Work experience

Those of you who follow my random amusements on facebrick or twatter might have noticed that I was ever so slightly crapping myself about my interview yesterday regarding some work experience. It went alright....I didn't crap myself.

It's a studio in one of the old 'Cottonopolis' renovated mills in Ancoats going by the name of 'Studio Distract', they seem to focus mostly on 3D animated projects but claim not to specialise in any one medium and they also do film production and interactive work.
When I arrived the team were sat together on a sofa watching TV and the studio owner pulled up a bean bag for me to sit on, in fact they were actually in a production meeting watching back their footage to date (a 3D animation for kids) and he asked if I could just wait and watch until they had finished. It was a good 30-40 minutes that I was sat there but the experience of observing this process was good to see, they were playing through the sequence shot-by-shot and picking out elements that needed to be reworked or tweaked....right down to the very finest of details.
It was just like the presentation days really....

Once they'd finished this and made a list of things that needed to be done, the various tasks were distributed amongst the team members and then they were off. At which point I had my meeting with the owner, we basically talked about where i'm at and he decided that instead of just spending a week in the studio shadowing people on their current project it would be better for me to be on-call as I explained that i'll be free for most of the time until the 2nd year begins. So what they're going to do is let me know when there is something specific happening on particular days (such as video production, motion capture, animating, etc.) so that I can come in and get involved.....this way I can get a more varied experience into the different areas.
I'm particularly looking forward to seeing the process of motion capturing as this is something i've been trying to find out about recently with little luck, he was telling me about this new kind of sensory suit they use which means that you don't have to mess around with those blobs on all the joints.

I had picked up all my work from college before heading to the studio so he noticed the big folder that I was carrying and asked me if I wanted him to have a look at some stuff, I just showed him one of my work books and some mood boards telling him the process in which we've been working and I asked a few questions in relation to it to see how they as professionals do things....this was pretty interesting and he gave me some pointers which made a lot of sense to me.

So it went pretty well initially and i'm looking forward to getting involved.

Not so sure if i'll be much use with any of the 3D aspects although I think they use After Effects to animate so that could be interesting as i'm quite confident with this now. I am at the moment trying to learn the very basics of 3D though so it could be worthwhile seeing some of the process in action....hopefully if I can get my head around the basics then I may incorporate this into my 2nd year work....where appropriate.

1 comment:

99999999999 said...

well done rob. sounds like a great opportunity to get a foot in the door.