5 June 2010


What an amazing film!I'm into my Marvel films at the moment but the Iron Man series is without a doubt my favourite.

Usually in the comics and annuals that you read,Tony Stark is portrayed as this cocky arrogant over confident guy.This is what Robert Downey Jr acts as in the film,but in Iron Man 2 there is a different side to Tony Stark that is revealed.Basically,he is shown to care about things including the world and the very few people that are in his life which is a moralistic thing that people can look up to.

I don't think there are many other actors that could have executed the role of Tony Stark like Robert Downy Jr does.He has this 'cool' look about him with his swagger and attitude and it makes people think "I want to be Robert Downey Jr/Tony Stark!".Well,if it didn't with you,it did with me and a few other people I know.Even girls are saying they want to be 'Iron Woman'.

On another note,if you like your fast paced chases,bullets flying everywhere and explosions like there is no tomorrow with a hint of beautiful women then you're in the right place for that recipe.

In Iron Man 2 Tony Stark feels the pressures of the government,press and the public to hand over his armour for military application.He then embarrasses Justin Hammer for failing to replicate the technology Tony Stark has produced.While all this is happening,the arc reactor that is keeping Tony's heart beating is poisoning his body at the same time with the palladium and slowly killing him.Believing that he is going to die,Tony then goes off the rails and hires Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) as the new CEO of Stark Industries and replaces her with Natalie Rushman (Scarlett Johansson).Tony Stark is then attacked by Ivan Vanko,son of a disgraced scientist who collaborated with Tony Stark's father with the first arc reactor,while racing in Monaco.In a vengeful way Justin Hammer hires Ivan Vanko to help him create an army of 'Iron Drones' to get revenge on Tony Stark at his own 'Stark Expo' where people can show off their new inventions.The 'Stark Expo' idea came from Tony Stark's father.

Tony Stark then decides to get drunk and throw a party in his Iron Man suit where Lt. Colonel James Rhodes (Don Cheadle) puts on the Iron Man Mark II suit and subdues him.Rhodes then takes the Mark II suit to the military where they customise and arm it with heavy weaponary.Disgraced, Stark is approached by Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Samuel L Jackson) who hands him a chest of his father's items to find the cure for his polladium poisoning.In the chest he finds a clue and cures himself by creating a new element.With this new element Stark creates a new arc reactor for his chest.

As this is happening Hammer is showing off his new army of 'Iron Drones' at the Stark Expo captained by Rhodes in the Mark II armour.It is later realised that Ivan Vanko has control of the drones and the Mark II armour.Stark arrives in time to fight off the Drones while Natalie Rushman,actually Natasha Ramanoff of S.H.I.E.L.D. go to find Vanko and take control of the Drones and Rhodes' armour.Rhodes and Stark then destroy all the Drones and take out Vanko.Afterwards S.H.I.E.L.D. tell Stark that they don't want him and don't think he is suitable for them but want him as a consultant.

After the credits it is seen that agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. is driving to a crater in the middle of New Mexico Desert, and then on the phone to Nick Fury saying "Found it!" meaning they've found the hammer of Thor.

Overall I thought it was a good storyline with a beginning,middle and end which is obviously leading to the release of 'Thor',one of the next installments of Marvel films.

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