21 April 2010

Global Warming

Hello all, as you probably imagine I'm still in Spain, because of the volcano! I'm not gonna say it isn't nice to have a few more extra days at home, but well the truth is I hate missing college and specially missing the beginning of a new project.

Anyway, over the Easter break I've been working very hard on my infographics, and here is a proof of it (I think...).

As I said to Alex and Stíobhart I'm gonna post the animation so you can see I've done the work on time (sorry I couldn't post it before but I didn't have access to the internet till now!)

Ok..here it is..just enjoy it :) Hope you like it!

Global Warming from Sara Llompart on Vimeo.


FairlyOddSez said...

Brilliant stuff! Its so long!

Sara said...

thank youu :)

KarlDoran said...
