13 March 2010

Need your help

Need some advice from creative heads! I have designed this logo for my blog; I wanted something simple but quirwky. What do you think of this?

The 'Kitty' is meant to look like a pencil, but still simple.


FairlyOddSez said...

To make it look like a pencil I think you'l have to change the colours round, I think it'd be more obvious then... nice though =D

Sara said...

i reall like it, but i'm with Sarah J, if you didnt say it was meant to look like a pencil, I wouldnt see it!but i love the simplicity of it, and the font!x

Kitty Pemberton-Platt said...

Thanks you for comments guys - its nice to give it people who havent seen it to get a fresh look! Do you think the revised ones look more like pencils?