I dont even know anymore, all my creativity seems to have been sucked out of me as soon as I joined this course, I don't know whats wrong with me. This is the best I can do, yay.

PDPs [or personal development plans] from FD new media design and FD animation students at the manchester college
I think it's really cute, I love the combination of grey and blue! It Looks like a book cover to me :)
Looks good SJ. Which one's you? Or are they all you?
Yeah, I agree with Sara, it looks like a book cover. I like the sophisticated look though - and the swirl pattern. The only thing I would say is the top of your type 'A few of my' is slightly illegible. But that may be due to my eyes tiring after hours at the comp!!
yeah, you cant really see it there can you?? The top ones mother, middle is meee, bottoms my sister. =D Thanks for the commentshh xx
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