21 March 2010


Right so i have been working on my infographics piece and it is very green, natural organic in style, has the spirit of robin hood all over it......flying arrows, trees, acorns into oak references, merriment and needs to be generally jolly, as this is the style of the Robin Hood Tax. But I am completely stumped with the audio. I need a basic background music, to which I can put sound effects. Any ideas merry folks???? I am stuffed if I can find any sort of starting point with this one.


Kitty Pemberton-Platt said...

All I can hear is 'Rockin Robin' by the Jackson 5! Aha! But I understand you would have to get the instrumental for it.

smiles said...

That did make me laugh.......but i can see where you're coming from!
I am actualy thinking I may go for the old classic Dylan tune "Times are a changing" as although a little slower than I would ahve wanted, it has the folky vibe of course and the message is general enough to fit in nicely with the piece. Still looking and open to ideas though!!!