26 March 2010

Don't be afaird incy wincy spider

For my project I decided to create a short info graphic piece about shining a positive spotlight on spiders and aiming in it at a young audience. I spent most of Thursday afternoon trying to get a book on spiders, trying all good book shops in Manchester, libraries, charity shops and a book store just outside the Arndale. But with no luck ... :( anyway if any body has any idea please reply...
Anyway I decided to maybe create a stop motion animation and found this interesting video in a pop up style.


99999999999 said...

nice find!

how's about sommit like this for some more spider info and obscure facts?

TelepathicRudeBoy said...

my friend is well arachnophobic (and wants to be a professional sumo wrestler). he should see this

smiles said...

Liking the animation.......a nice general overview of most common disasters it seems :)

As for the book, look at this link for the natural science museaum http://www.nhmshop.co.uk/all-books/arachnids/product.html and it has the isbn code which you can type into the search facility at most libraries and I am sure they can tell you if anyone has it! I know you can do this at MMU library.
Hope that helps Sarah!