27 February 2010


I was pleased with my presenation on Thursday, I wasn't as nervous as the last time, I felt quite confident about my sketchbook work for this project as I was really proud of that part in particular....so perhaps this may have helped me talk more openly about it.

Considering that I began production on the Tuesday of deadline week I think that I did quite well, I was determined not to move into production until I was satisfied with my ideas....which I wasn't up until that point.
Still....I wont be able to get away with this forever so I definately have to be more effective with time in the future.

On the friday (deadline day) I had two finished versions of my sequence, one with a pre-selected piece of music which I had heard in a film I watched over Christmas. And the other with my own original music.It wasn't until Thursday night that I completed my animation so i'd only begun composing the music at aroun 2am on deadline day....not recommended....and so with the slightly rushed piece that I had, I decided to make two videos with both tracks and ask for some advice.
After getting a few people to watch them both, they were all in agreement that my original music was better than the pre-selected track....so that is what I went for.

For the sake of comparison, and also due to the fact that my sequence wouldn't play on the laptop....here are two versions. Which do you think works better? hmmm.

This was the version with the pre-selected track. It is a very short segment that I cut from one of Howard Shore's long compositions for the movie soundtrack to the family film 'BIG'.

And this is the final submitted version accompanied by my own music.

I did recieve one particular critique of my piece at one point, which for the most part I disagreed with, I felt that the points being made were invalid and showed a distinct lack of vision. The use of words such as "this is all wrong" and "it should be like this" made me feel demotivated and a bit insulted....that such a person could be that bound to the unwritten rules.
Still.....keep smilin' eh.

1 comment:

Green disciple said...

only seeing it for the first time, I really the idea of how the elements blend into one another the cup into the lens and ur own music seems better...gr8t