21 January 2010


I've a pretty good idea what i want to do with this brief but thought i'd have another quick look at some title sequences for further inspiration and ideas.

This one Dave showed us for Mad Men is the kind of look mine will have, i think. Mostly white and grey bakgrounds with black silhouette figures. Embedding's been disabled but it's well worth a click if you haven't seen it -


This one's probably already on here but thought i'd stick it on anyway coz it's another one that i really like and it's a different way of using black silhouettes, this time it's drawn which gives it a nice stylized look but I don't fancy the idea of doing tonnes of drawings like with the last brief where I grew to hate drawing monkeys to the extent that I still cannot draw one to this day. I can barely even look a monkey in the eye.

The transitions in this one are lovely. I really like the textured effect on the figues, and the way the text interplays with the graphics. Nice.

This one's great too, and again uses silhouette style figures and a simple colour scheme for the background. The blood splashes are excellent too.

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