8 December 2009


It's great when the film channels show some of your favourite films on rotation for a whole season, in the past month i've seen (dare I say it -Hitchcock's best film) Rear Window so many times....and since I had no internet access for most of the day I saw that it was on today aswell, so I watched it.

I always found it funny how the actor whose plans were sussed by a wheelchair-bound wannabe detective in this movie later ended up playing Ironside, a wheelchair-bound detective. But anyway...

Also over the weekend I watched a biography on Shirley Temple, the curly-haired tap dancer from the 1930s, beforehand i'd only seen photos and references in The Simpsons which pretty much took the piss out of her on-screen relationship with the family's slave, but now I am actually quite looking forward to seeing some of her films (my mam recently got a box set of hers on the cheap) as I was very impressed with the clips in the biography show.

It's also got me thinking about when, if ever, cinema will get a tap dancing revival. Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn's tap performances in Funny Face were unbelieveable as I seem to recall.

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