26 November 2009

Animation Shows The Moment Goth Girl Killed

A new animation relives the moment murdered Sophie Lancaster was beaten to death as she tried to protect her boyfriend in a park in Bacup, Lancashire.( August 2007) . The pair was attacked because there was dressed as Goths.

IF U WANT TO see the Animation click on the link...


state your thoughts if u want .

Sophie died tried to protect Robert.

The haunting animation is being launched on what would have been her 23rd birthday.

The film, called 'Sophie: A Dark Angel', shows Sophie and Robert walking through the park and relives both the horrific attack and its aftermath,


99999999999 said...

your link seems to time out when i try it. but the vid is also on the sky news site


FairlyOddSez said...

I wont watch it, think id get too upset!lol